How Does setState Know What to Do?
- reconciler -
- Component -
// Inside React DOM
const inst = new YourComponent();
inst.props = props;
inst.updater = ReactDOMUpdater;
// Inside React DOM Server
const inst = new YourComponent();
inst.props = props;
inst.updater = ReactDOMServerUpdater;
// Inside React Native
const inst = new YourComponent();
inst.props = props;
inst.updater = ReactNativeUpdater;
// A bit simplified
setState(partialState, callback) {
// Use the `updater` field to talk back to the renderer!
this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, partialState, callback);
- Hooks -
/ In React (simplified a bit)
const React = {
// Real property is hidden a bit deeper, see if you can find it!
__currentDispatcher: null,
useState(initialState) {
return React.__currentDispatcher.useState(initialState);
useEffect(initialState) {
return React.__currentDispatcher.useEffect(initialState);
// ...
// In React DOM
const prevDispatcher = React.__currentDispatcher;
React.__currentDispatcher = ReactDOMDispatcher;
let result;
try {
result = YourComponent(props);
} finally {
// Restore it back
React.__currentDispatcher = prevDispatcher;
Optimized for Change
文章描述的是作者期望的好的 API。